Door Maintenance Group Ltd
Harlech House, Hayes Road, Sully
Mid Glamorgan
CF64 5RZ
T: 02920 665539
W: www.harlechdoors.net
Supply Types
- Installer
- Fabricator
- Supplier
- Supply To Trade
Crime-DoorGard 2 Hinged Security Doorset B3 (SR2)
Product Description: sash lock, key & handle, key & turn knob, tower bolts, 3 point and 5 point panic exit locking devices, threshold options, door stay options
Types- Door closer
- Hinged
- Key and leaver handle
- Outward opening
- Panic bar
- Panic exit device
- Single point
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 8 B3 SR2 Requirements and testing procedures for resistant building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers
Certification held with LPCB certificate 1282b refers
Crime-gard+ Steel Security Doorsets
Product Description: no sidelights or toplights, dog bolt, mortice sashlock, 3* cylinder
Types- Classified as D
- Door closer
- Lever Handle
- Medium duty
- No letterplate allowed
- Outward opening
- Unglazed
- Steel
- Certified to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
Certification held with Certisecure Certificate CS5116 refers
Security Shutters
Crime-gard Internally Face Fitted Steel Roller Shutter SR1
Product Description: pin locks, ground anchors/padlock
Types- Chain drive
- Face fixed
- Roller
- Tubular motor
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 7 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1282a/01 refers
Crime-gard Internally Face Fitted Steel Roller Shutter SR2
Product Description: pin locks, ground anchors/padlock
Types- Chain drive
- Face fixed
- Roller
- Tubular motor
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 7 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1282a/02 refers
Crime-gard Internally Face Fitted Steel Roller Shutter SR3
Product Description: pin locks, ground anchors/padlock
Types- Chain drive
- Face fixed
- Roller
- Tubular motor
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 7 SR3 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1282a/03 refers
Crime-gard Internally Face Fitted Steel Roller Shutter SR4
Product Description: pin locks, ground anchors/padlock
Types- Chain drive
- Face fixed
- Roller
- Tubular motor
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 7 SR4 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1282a/04 refers