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Three forces combine to undertake strategic problem solving qualification

Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire constabularies have combined to offer local delivery of the Level 3 Strategic Problem Solving qualification to key practitioners across the three forces. 

The Level 3 Strategic Problem Solving National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) is accredited by the awarding body ProQual and recognised by UK employers.  It focuses on how strategic problem solving can be used to enhance working practices, and it is part of a suite of NVQs offered by the Police Crime Prevention Academy. 

The qualification links into the College of Policing current documentation about problem solving, and it supports key points made by HMIC at the National Problem Solving conference in October 2024 that better performing forces are those where problem solving is implemented at a strategic level as well as demonstrating that these forces are making an impact on a positive PS culture.   

Amanda Mulholland, National Manager for the Academy said: “We were delighted to be invited to work with the forces to deliver this tripartite event, the first time the Academy have undertaken local delivery to three forces at the same time.  This investment in the professional development of the delegates will enhance their strategic problem solving skills and help support them in their role to ensure that they make a real difference in their local communities”. 

Sergeant Dan Peck, Suffolk Constabulary, said “As a small force we do not have a large resource dedicated to problem solving, this meant a delivery of the course in silo was not cost effective.  However, working with Amanda at the Academy we identified an opportunity to work with our colleagues in bordering forces, which provided a cost-effective solution for all. 

“It is fantastic that Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire are able to recognise the important work being undertaken in the problem-solving arena and reward those practitioners with a formal, nationally recognised qualification”.

The Police Crime Prevention Academy 

The Police Crime Prevention Academy is one of the seven initiatives owned by Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (Police CPI). In 2017 the College of Policing withdrew from delivering crime prevention and designing out crime training. The Academy was created to take on this training delivery under an agreement with the College of Policing. 

The Academy delivers a variety of crime prevention, designing out crime and problem-solving qualifications, eLearning courses, webinars and bespoke training events for police forces across the UK, as well as for the public and private sectors.  

Accredited by the awarding body ProQual, these national vocational qualifications can be delivered either locally and in person, virtually via Microsoft Teams or through the Academy’s eLearning platform. The Academy are also able to design and deliver bespoke training events. 

For more information about the Academy’s qualifications and eLearning CPD courses, please visit  or contact the Academy at .