The area forming the route from the public site entrance to the reception and to the visitor car parks and delivery points is located along way from the building, and there is no view from the reception area with a lack of secure entrances. This will encourage trespass into other parts of the school grounds.


Having too many pedestrian and vehicle entrances wih no controlled access point will make it difficult to supervise individuals and vehicles attending the school, and will also effect the monitoring use of CCTV systems.


No secured entrance to / from shared facilities, creating security issues when the shared facilities are used out of school hours.


One main site entrance used as the first line of defence against trespass and used for directing and controlling all access. Other entrances onto the school site should be kept to a minimum, and all should be controlled.


Vehicle and pedestrian access beyond the school entrance area and car park into the school grounds should be restricted, allowing access only for emergency and service/delivery vehicles. Controls can include a combination of rising bollards, gates and fences.


Secured/separate entrance to shared facilities that can be used out of school hours so that the rest of the school complex is not made vulnerable to casual access, out of hours with insecure access points to such facilities.
