Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI) is launching a ‘Marathon in a month’ challenge in June in support the PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund, PCPI’s chosen charity of the year.
‘Marathon in a month’ is open to anyone and seeks to raise money for the charity by challenging people to complete 26.2 miles (marathon), 50 miles (ultramarathon), or 100 miles (ultra-ultra-marathon) of running, walking or biking throughout June.
The PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund provides learning opportunities and pre-employment skills, in the form of support through grants or services, to children (under 21) who have suffered the tragic loss of a close family member through a violent crime such as murder or manslaughter. The fund helps these children try and rebuild their lives and look towards the future, enabling them to stand on their own feet by continuing with education, where financial situations may have changed, or start a course which will enable them to gain employment.
PC Nicola Hughes was one of two unarmed Police Officers who were shot whilst responding to a routine burglary call in Manchester in September 2012. Bryn Hughes, the father of PC Nicola Hughes, one of the victims, set up the charity.
Anyone wishing to join in and raise funds for, or make a donation to, the ‘Marathon in a month’ challenge can do so at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/team-pcpi

You can find out more on the PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund here: https://www.pcnicolahughesmemorialfund.co.uk/
PCPI is a police-owned organisation that on behalf of the Police Service throughout the UK to deliver a wide range of crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives, bringing organisations together to reduce crime and the fear of crime, and create safer communities.