Potton Windows Limited is one of the latest companies to renew their membership with Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative.
Established in 1987, Potton Windows are a family owned Company who manufacture their own windows and doors in factory premises at Potton, Bedfordshire. The company’s base of regular customers extends nation-wide and they also supply windows to customers in Eire.
Potton Windows are the suppliers to many Housing Associations such as the Grand Union Housing Group, M K Council, Catalyst Homes, Chorus Homes, Central Beds Council, bpha and various Building Contractors. They also supply direct to the public.

You can find out more about Potton Windows and their range of SBD accredited products here: https://www.securedbydesign.com/member-companies/sbd-members?view=companydetail&account=0011i00000JpvlRAAR
Potton Windows said: “We are delighted to be renewing our Licence with Secured by Design as we believe this is a very beneficial scheme with high performance and robust security standards”.
SBD Development Officer Doug Skins said: “I am really pleased that Potton Windows have renewed their membership with Secured by Design. The Potton Windows SBD Casement Windows Range has achieved Police Preferred Specification, ensuring that their customers can have confidence that the product meets the most robust of security standards”.