Pet Trust UK
51 Rothwell Gardens, Golborne
T: 07850528367
W: www.pettrustuk.com
Pet Trust UK is committed to revolutionising the online pet industry with our secure All-in-One platform, ensuring safer animal transactions. Our Digital DogTag uses tamper proof technology to authenticate essential medical information and documents. That means anyone entrusted to care for your pet can access their health records – whether that's in the emergency room or at your local animal border. Simultaneously, the Pet Trust UK Marketplace is launching, verifying users, validating licences, and enhancing pet welfare standards. We are introducing an NFC Implantable Microchip linked to the Digital DogTag for seamless access to health records. Your pet's vital information is locked to their microchip – so it goes wherever they go!Supply Types
- Commercial
- Domestic
Animal and Pet Security
Digital Dog Tag
Product Description: Digital DogTag uses tamper proof technology to authenticate essential medical information and documents. That means anyone entrusted to care for your pet can access their health records – whether that's in the emergency room or at your local animal border.
Types- Owner managed
- N/A
- Certified to: BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information technology. Security techniques. Information security management systems.
Certification held with Amazon Web Services EY Certify Point Certificate 2013-009 refers - Certified to: BS EN ISO/IEC 9001:2015 Quality management systems
Certification held with Amazon Web Services EY Certify Point Certificate 2014-014 refers