Amberley Youth Project Millennium Centre, Westminster

The existing main front door for the youth club had been replaced shortly before the scheme started, giving a good starting point for the lobby system.
Premier Security & Fire Consultants installed a secondary internal door to create the lobby and also a large side panel for the airlock lobby. Both the new internal door and the side panel were designed to replicate the existing timber framing and makes the new lobby blend into the surroundings. The visibility from inside the venue is now hugely improved and the whole set up lends itself well to creating an office space with views outside.
A full Environmental Visual Audit was also carried out giving the youth club the information they need for further improvements and advice on how best to spend improvement funding.
In addition, the club receive defibrillators along with the necessary training to use them in the event of a violent attack and the London Fire Brigade also carried out inspections of the premises to identify and mitigate any fire hazards and provide advice around fire evacuation plans.
The challenge with this venue was getting the look of the lobby right and this was achieved very effectively by the use of a custom steel frame to the side panel.