Datatag ID Limited
WatermansHouse, Watermans Court, Lotus Park, The Causeway,
TW18 3AG
T: 0178 4778310
W: www.datatag.co.uk
Since ‘92 Datatag has provided security marking technologies to markets from motorcycle to construction. Their leading security marking technologies, TE labels, UV Etching, Datadots, RFID & DNA mean criminals avoid Datatagged items as too high riskSupply Types
- Residential
- Commercial
- Supplier
Property & Asset Marking
Product Description: Property marking Plant machinery security Property marking Quad/ATV Security Vehicle tracking and security The Datatag 4x4/Car security marking system combines tamper evident warning labels, RFID transponders, microscopic Datadots and forensic DNA to mark all valuable components of a vehicle with a unique identification. Owner details are stored on Datatag's 24/7 accessible secure database for quick and easy ownership verification. https://www.datatag.co.uk/4by4.php
Types- Asset marking
- Microdots
- Property marking
- RFID security
- Security label
- Successfully tested and approved to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance
Thatcham QA Cert TQA127 refers
Product Description: The Datatag Caravan security marking system combines tamper evident warning labels, RFID transponders, microscopic Datadots and forensic DNA to mark all valuable components of a caravan with a unique identification. Owner details are stored on Datatag's 24/7 accessible secure database for quick and easy ownership verification. https://www.datatag.co.uk/caravan.php
Types- Asset marking
- Microdots
- RFID security
- Security label
- Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance
Thatcham QA cert TQA 129 refers
Product Description: The CESAR System is the preferred security marking system of the Construction Equipment Association and Agricultural Engineers Association and supporting brands mark plant and machines with a layered approach including tamper evident labels, forensic DNA marking, microdots and RFID transponders providing both hidden and visible theft deterrent. All linked to an accredited Secured by Design and insurance company approved database accessible 24/7 through a UK based contact centre. https://www.cesarscheme.org/
Types- Asset and property registration
- Asset marking
- Asset tracking
- Forensic marking
- Property marking
- RFID security
- Security label
- Certified to: BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information technology. Security techniques. Information security management systems.
Certification held with BSI cert no IS 697056 refers - Certified to: BS EN ISO/IEC 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard
Certification held with LPCB cert no 665 refers - Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance
Certification held with Thatcham Research cert TQA Cert 087 refers
Product Description: Datatag are the chosen partner for the British Marine security marking scheme COMPASS. The system protects both boats and outboard engines with a combination of tamper evident warning labels, UV etches and RFID transponders. Owner details are stored on Datatag's easily accessible database 24/7. https://www.datatag.co.uk/compass/
Types- Asset and property registration
- Asset marking
- Etching
- Property marking
- RFID security
- Security label
- Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance Thatcham Quality Assurance
Successfully tested and approved to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance Certification held with Thatcham Research cert TQA 122 refers
Product Description: Datatag's International Secure Database register is used to record and hold owner details of assets protected by Datatag's various security marking systems. Datatag provide access 24/7 to Police and other registered users through a dedicated UK based contact centre. In the event of a theft owners can alert the system and Police are then able to verify details quickly in the event an asset is found.
Types- Asset and property registration
- Certified to: BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information technology. Security techniques. Information security management systems.
Certification held with BSI cert no IS 697056 refers - Certified to: BS EN ISO/IEC 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard
Certification held with LPCB cert no 665 refers - Certified to: LPS 1224 Issue 3.1 Requirements for secure database registers
Certification held with LPCB cert 665a refers
Product Description: Datatag's unique layered asset marking systems contain a variety of technologies including tamper evident labels, UV etching, microscopic Datadots, unique RFID transponders and forensic DNA code. All manufactured under the tightest security these technologies form the basis of all Datatag Systems and ensure replication and / or copying is impossible. All systems allow quick and easy roadside identification to be made, negating the need for laboratory testing.
Types- Asset marking
- Asset tracking
- Covert
- Engraving
- Etching
- External
- Forensic marking
- Internal
- Microdots
- Overt
- Property marking
- RFID security
- Security label
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 820:2012 Laboratory-identifiable forensic codes. Classification of performance when exposed to artificial weathering
Tested by Materials Tech Ltd report H1912 Grade A External 5 years refers - Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance Thatcham Quality Assurance
Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance TQA032 for Laser Etch; TQA033 for Chemical Etch; TQA034 for Security Label; TQA047 for Ultra Destruct Label with UV Fluid
Product Description: The MASTER System is the official security marking system of the Motorcycle Industry Association and is fitted as standard to almost all new bikes registered in the UK. It marks machines with a unique combination of tamper evident labels, UV etches, microdots and RFID transponders providing hidden and visible theft deterrent. All linked to an accredited Secured by Design and insurance company approved database accessible 24/7 through a UK based contact centre. http://masterscheme.org/index.php
Types- Asset marking
- Etching
- Microdots
- Security label
- Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance
Certification held with Thatcham Research Cert TQA 306 refers
Product Description: Hand power tools
Types- Asset marking
- Etching
- External
- Forensic marking
- Microdots
- Property marking
- Security label
- Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance Thatcham Quality Assurance
Successfully tested and approved to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance Certification held with Thatcham Research cert TSC041 refers
Product Description: The Datatag motorcycle system has been protecting Britain's bikers for over 25 years with its unique layered approach including tamper evident labels, forensic DNA, microdots, UV etches and RFID transponders providing hidden and visible deterrent. All linked to an accredited Secured by Design and insurance company approved database accesible 24/7 through a UK based contact centre. https://www.datatag.co.uk/motorcycles.php
Types- Asset marking
- Etching
- External
- Forensic marking
- Internal
- Microdots
- Overt
- Property marking
- RFID security
- Security label
- Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance
Thatcham QA Cert TQA120 refers
Product Description: The Datatag scooter system protects your bike with a unique layered approach including tamper evident labels, forensic DNA, microdots, UV etches and RFID transponders providing hidden and visible deterrent. All linked to an accredited Secured by Design and insurance company approved database accessible 24/7 through a UK based contact centre. https://www.datatag.co.uk/scooters.php
Types- Asset marking
- Covert
- Etching
- External
- Internal
- Overt
- Property marking
- RFID security
- Security label
- Successfully tested and approved to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance
Thatcham QA Cert TQA128 refers
Product Description: Datatag's Trailer marking system contains everything you need to mark and protect your trailer for life - reducing the chance of theft and increasing your chance of recovery. The system is a simple self-fit system including visible and covert technologies. Fitted as standard to Ifor WIlliams horse boxes all details are stored on Datatag's secure database for quick and easy identification. https://www.datatag.co.uk/trailers.php
Types- Asset and property registration
- Asset marking
- Covert
- Etching
- Forensic marking
- Microdots
- Overt
- Property marking
- RFID security
- Security label
- Certified to: Thatcham Quality Assurance - Category 3 Thatcham Quality Assurance
Thatcham QA Cert TQA121 refers