Selectaglaze Limited
Alban Park, Hatfield Road
St Albans
T: 01727 837271
W: www.selectaglaze.co.uk
Selectaglaze is an established UK designer of Secondary Glazing systems and Royal Warrant Holder. A variety of bespoke internal window frames both enhance energy performance and offer certified protection against Blast, Physical or Ballistic Attack.Supply Types
- Commercial Supplier/Installer
- Domestic Supplier/Installer
Product Description: Horizontal sliding, secondary glazing, blast resistance EXV33(C)
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast test report C18969-2 & recertification letter 19/02/24 refer
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Vertical sliding. Performs to EXV33(C)
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast test report GDA/201-C18969-1 & recertification letter 19/02/2024 refer
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Vertical sliding
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB test report 296207b & assessment report PJD0545 refer
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Fixed-light
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB test report 228892 & assessment report PJD0545 refer
Product Description: Casement, Secondary glazing system, Blast resistant. Performance level EXV33(D) re SHC & EXV33(E) re DSHC versions.
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Hinged
- Side hung
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast Test Report C18973-2, D.J Goode Test Report 610 and re-certification letters 19/02/2024 refer.
Product Description: Hinged Casement Secondary Glazing System
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB test report ref. 296207a & assessment report PJD0545 refer
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Fixed-light, Blast resistant. EXV25(C) performance.
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
D.J Goode test report 610 & Comblast recertification letter 19/02/2024 refer
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Fixed-light, Blast resistant classification EXV25(C)
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Test report held by GDA Ltd
Product Description: Fixed-light, Secondary glazing system,SR1,SR2
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Fixed-light https://www.selectaglaze.co.uk/products/series42-heavy-duty-security-fixed-panel
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB assessment reports MPD629 & PJD0545 refer
Product Description: Fixed secondry glazing tested to SR1 ,SR2 and SR3 https://www.selectaglaze.co.uk/products/series43-heavy-duty-security-demountable-fixed-panel
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with the LPCB 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with the LPCB 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR3 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with the LPCB 683a refers
Product Description: Demountable, blast resistant, secondary glazing. Performs to EXV25(B).
Types- Blast rated
- Side hung
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast test reports GDA/201-C18969-4, C18973-2 & recertification letter 19/02/24 refer.
Product Description:
Types- Classified as W
- Side hung
- Aluminium
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with the LPCB cert 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with the LPCB cert 683a refers
Product Description: Casement, Secondary glazing system, blast resistance performance EXV33(E).
Types- Blast rated
- Hinged
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast test report C18973-2 & recertification letters 19/02/24 refer
Product Description: Casement, Secondary glazing system
Types- Classified as W
- Hinged
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB test report ref. 228892 & assessment report PJD0545 refer
Product Description: Casement, Secondary glazing system https://www.selectaglaze.co.uk/products/series46-slimline-fixed-panel
Types- Classified as W
- Hinged
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB test report ref. 228892 & assessment report PJD0545 refer.
Product Description: Demountable, Secondary glazing system, Casement, Blast resistant classifications EXV15(C), EXV19(B) & EXV25(B)
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Hinged
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
ComBlast test reports C18973-2, C18969-3 & recertification letters 19/02/24 refer.
Product Description: Secondary glazing system,tested to SR1 and SR2
Types- Classified as W
- Hinged
- Aluminium
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Cert 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Cert 683a refers
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Fixed-light, Blast resistant classification EXV15(C)
Types- Ballistic rated
- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Test report held by GDA Ltd
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Fixed-light. Performs to EXV25(C) & EXV25(E).
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast test report GDA/71-1516s & recertification letter 19/02/2024 refer
Product Description: Secondary glazing system,, Fixed-light, SR1,SR2,SR3
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR3 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Horizontal Sliding, blast resistant performance EVX33(B)
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast test report C18973-2 & recertification letter 19/02/24 refer.
Product Description: Secondary glazing system,Horizontal Sliding
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB test report ref. 228892 & assessment report PJD0545 refer
Product Description: Horizontal Sliding, Secondary glazing system, 2HS-Edicts Break Safe performance. 3HSC-EXV25(B) performance
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007 Glass in building — Explosion-resistant security glazing — Test and classification for arena air-blast loading
Comblast test reports GDA/71-1410s, C188973-2 refer and recertification letters 19/02/2024 refer.
Product Description: Secondary glazing system,Horizontal Sliding, SR1,SR2
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Vertical sliding
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: PAS 24:2022 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
LPCB test report ref. 228892 & assessment report PJD0545 refer
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Vertical sliding,SR1,SR2
Types- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR1 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers - Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 6 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB cert 683a refers
Product Description: Secondary glazing system, Vertical sliding, , Blast resistant performance EXV25(B)
Types- Blast rated
- Classified as W
- Aluminium
- Successfully tested and approved to: ISO 16933:2007
Comblast Test Report GDA/71-1515s and Recertification letter 19/02/24 refer