Phillips House,
Drury Lane, Ponswood Industrial Estate
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN38 9BA
T: 01424 239284
W: www.door-jammer.co.uk
Door Jammer is a unique and innovative portable security device for anyone requiring privacy and security, whether on the move or at home.Supply Types
- Residential
- Commercial
- Supplier
- Supply To Trade
- Domestic
Personal Security, Lone Worker & Vulnerable Person Protection
Product Description: A lightweight and portable door security device that prevents unwanted entry. It takes just moments to fit to any standard internal door without tools. Once fitted along with the accompanying threshold wedges, it uses displacement of force to perform as a barricade against an attempt at forced entry. Ideal for business travellers, backpackers or holidaymakers or for use in classrooms, offices and restrooms that do not have adequate locks.
Types- Door security
- Portable
- User managed
- Vulnerable person protection
- Steel
- Tested to the relative clauses within: PAS 24:2016 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
Certification held with Winkhaus Laboratories cert TR1800 refers
Product Description: A portable, industrial strength door security device that prevents unwanted entry. It takes just moments to fit to any standard internal door without tools. Once fitted along with the accompanying threshold wedges, it uses displacement of force to perform as a barricade against an attempt at forced entry. Intended for deployment in public buildings or buildings with a high room count where a situation requiring a total lockdown could occur.
Types- Door security
- Portable
- User managed
- Vulnerable person protection
- Steel
- Tested to the relative clauses within: PAS 24:2016 Enhanced security performance requirements for doorsets and windows in the UK. Doorsets and windows intended to offer a level of security suitable for dwellings and other buildings exposed to comparable risk
Certification held with Winkhaus Laboratories cert TR1800 refers