Prestige Products (Mail/HomeGUARD)
70 Beaulieu Drive, Stone Cross
BN24 5DN
T: 0845 241 9111
W: www.guardyourmail.com
Prestige Products supplies Letterbox Security Products for the prevention of Arson/Anti-Social Behaviour type attacks against premises or life, with the added improvement to front door security.Supply Types
- Commercial Supplier/Installer
- Domestic Supplier/Installer
- Supply To Trade
Mail Delivery
MailGUARD and HomeGUARD Letterbox Protection
Product Description: An effective way to improve safety against Arson or Anti-Social type behaviour. Internal, for letterplate.
Types- Fire protection/suppression
- Successfully tested and approved to: DHF TS 008:2012 Enhanced security requirements for letterplate assemblies and slide-through boxes
Test reports held with Exova Warringtonfire Doc 349334
MailGUARD+Plus and HomeGUARD+Plus Letterbox Protection
Product Description: MailGUARD+Plus and HomeGUARD+Plus versions should be fitted where there is an extreme threat to life. Incorporates a quick acting Fire Extinguisher.
Types- Fire protection/suppression
- Successfully tested and approved to: DHF TS 008:2012 Enhanced security requirements for letterplate assemblies and slide-through boxes
Exova Warrington Report 349333 refers Grade 1