Teckentrup Door Solutions
Unit 2-4 Opus Industrial Estate, Woburn Road, Winwick Quay
T: 01925 924050
W: www.teckentrup.co.uk
Teckentrup’s objective is to lead the market with products that are compliant to all current standards, offer best practice choices to the construction industry and, in doing so, become a safe and secure partner. Steel doors are a key area of expertise and products that provide security and fire safety are at the heart of the Teckentrup range. Modular design allows multiple characteristics such as security, ballistics, fire, smoke, acoustics and pressure to be certified in a single door.Supply Types
- Commercial Supplier/Installer
- Domestic Supplier/Installer
Product Description: Hinged Steel Security Doorsets, Single Leaf, Inward and Outward Opening, Panic Bar, Various Operating Devices Available, SR3 Security Rated,
Types- Emergency egress release
- Inward opening
- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 7 SR3 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476a refers
Product Description: Double Leaf, Outward Opening, Hinged, Various Locking Combinations, SR2
Types- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 8 B3 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476e refers
Product Description: Single Leaf, Outward Opening, Hinged, Various Locking Combinations SR2
Types- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 8 B3 SR2 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476f refers
Product Description: Double Leaf, Outward Opening, Hinged, Various Locking Combinations, SR3
Types- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 8 C5 SR3 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476i refers
Product Description: Single Leaf, Outward Opening, Hinged, Various Locking Combinations SR4
Types- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 1175 Issue 8 D10 SR4 Specification for testing and classifying the burglary resistance of building components, strong-points and security enclosures.
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476j refers
Product Description: Double Leaf, Outward Opening, Hinged, Various Locking Combinations, SRA
Types- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 2081 Issue 1 SRA Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers offering resistance to intruders attempting to use stealth to gain entry
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476d refers
Product Description: Single Leaf, Outward Opening, Hinged, Various Locking Combinations SRB
Types- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 2081 Issue 1 SRB Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers offering resistance to intruders attempting to use stealth to gain entry
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476h refers
Product Description: Single Leaf, Outward Opening, Hinged, Various Locking Combinations SRB
Types- Outward opening
- Steel
- Certified to: LPS 2081 Issue 1 SRB Requirements and testing procedures for the LPCB approval and listing of building components, strongpoints, security enclosures and free-standing barriers offering resistance to intruders attempting to use stealth to gain entry
Certification held with LPCB Certificate 1476g refers