Dryseal takes the lead as the viable alternative to lead
Secured by Design member company Hambleside Danelaw are highlighting their SBD accredited Dryseal GRP Roofing System as a viable alternative to lead when it comes to roofing solutions.
Here Andy Fell, the National Sales Manager for Dryseal, explains the issues with lead, and how the company’s Dryseal GRP Roofing System is being used by builders and developers instead.
“As one of the oldest materials utilised in the roofing industry, lead it is still widely used today across the globe, despite its use being banned in some countries. However, lead – although versatile – is toxic and not without its issues. Indeed, before becoming aware of the dangers of lead, it was used in water pipes, hair dyes and even cosmetics. More recently, its use as a performance enhancer for petrol has been banned across the globe.
“Working with lead comes with some serious risks, lead poisoning being a prominent worry. Lead poisoning can cause anaemia, damage to the kidneys and brain, and can even result in death. In 2020, HSE (Health and Safety Executive) produced a report on the ‘Medical surveillance of blood-lead levels in British workers’ within the years 2019-2020. This report covers those who are significantly exposed to lead and are required to undergo medical surveillance. You can find out more about the Control of Lead at Work Regulations 2002 here: https://www.hambleside-danelaw.co.uk/control-of-lead-at-work/
“Trading Economics stated that the cost of lead per metric tonne had gone up by 1.31% since the start of 2022, and with material shortages and high demand, this cost is likely to increase. Lead is one of the more expensive options for roof works, with 6 metres of code 3 lead costing around £230 per roll. This combined with the high potential of theft makes the investment in lead a risky endeavour.
“Due to the expense of the product, lead theft is on the rise again, with thieves stripping roofs of the material, leaving buildings with little to no protection from the elements.
“Hambleside Danelaw’s Dryseal GRP Roofing System has achieved Police Preferred Specification. It offers a versatile roofing solution which lends itself to heritage projects which require intricate detailing, compatibility with differing substrates and an effective lead replacement or copper replacement.
"Designed for flat and low-pitched roofs, Dryseal is manufactured from high-grade polyester resins and glass reinforcement (AKA fibreglass or GRP). Unlike traditional wet lay GRP systems, Dryseal is manufactured as a pre-cured kit using sophisticated processes in controlled factory conditions. This kit, containing preformed component trims and flat sheeting, is quickly and easily installed on-site to form the roof membrane.
“It is produced in the UK and serves as an ideal alternative to lead, as it doesn’t attract thieves and is far more cost-efficient”.
Hambleside DanelawHambleside Danelaw provides roofing solutions to customers in three specialised areas; pitched roofing and ventilation, industrial GRP rooflights, and GRP flat roofing. With over 40 years’ experience in the construction industry, the company have unrivalled expertise when it comes to the development, manufacturing and distribution of premium quality products.
Hambleside Danelaw’s Building Products story began in 1975, when an investment opportunity presented itself in the form of a patent for an innovative glass reinforced polyester (GRP) roofing product. A year later, Hambleside Manufacturing Limited was established; to formally produce and market the GRP products.
After diversifying into rooflights and cladding, in 1983 the company began manufacturing valley gutters for a Daventry-based new client, Danelaw Laminates Limited. Having worked closely for several years, discussions on a merger took place between the two companies, and a deal was done in 1992. Subsequently, Hambleside Danelaw was born.
You can find out more about Hambleside Danelaw and their SBD accredited Dryseal GRP Roofing System here: https://www.securedbydesign.com/member-companies/sbd-members?view=companydetail&account=0011i00000Jpvt9AAB