Oldham’s Northern Firedoor Solutions (NFS) are one of the latest companies to join Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative.
NFS specialise in the manufacture of Fire Rated and Enhanced Security doorsets and screens, working closely with accredited installation and passive fire protection partners to provide professional services across the UK direct to the private and public sectors.

You can find out more about the company and their range of SBD accredited doorsets which have achieved dual certification compliance for both “Q Mark Fire” and “Q Mark Security” here: https://www.securedbydesign.com/member-companies/sbd-members?view=companydetail&account=0011i00000LgJEFAA3
Steve Carter, Operations Director at NFS said: “It’s a pleasure for NFS to be associated with such a recognised, trusted and well-respected scheme. With the stark rise in violent crime, people need to feel safe in their own homes, and by installing NFS Dual Compliance doorsets, not only can “nobody get in”, the added Fire Performance ensures you also have the best possible chance of “getting out safely” should the unthinkable happen”.
SBD Development Officer Hazel Goss said: “It has been a pleasure to sign Northern Fire Solutions as a new member company of Secured by Design. They manufacture a variety of Dual Certified Fire Doors and I am looking forward to working alongside them for years to come”.