Staying safe and secure when travelling
Top tips to help you keep you staying safe and secure when travelling, either for work or social purposes.
Before setting off:
- Plan and Prepare: Before you leave to go out, plan your journey and the transport that you will be using. Consider what you might need in the way of money/cards and the time you’ll be home. Notify someone of your planned journey, who you are meeting and how you are going to get home. Consider whether you can travel home with a friend and ensure that you are aware of the time of the last bus/train.
- Consider an app-based personal safety platform, lone worker device or personal alarm. Below we have listed our Secured by Design member companies which offer products that have been tested and certified to meet the exacting standards you would expect from the police, all to give you confidence and peace of mind.
- Try not to keep all your valuables in one place. It’s a good idea to keep valuables such as wallets in an inside pocket and to separate a small amount of cash or a bankcard from your main purse/wallet. Keep your car or house keys separate too.
- A simple thing, but try to remember to make sure your phone is fully charged before you go out so that you are able to make calls if you need to.
When Travelling
If you are travelling by car never park in isolated, poorly lit or dark places and remember to make a mental note of where your vehicle is for later on - preferably park in a Park Mark carpark.
The Park Mark Safer Parking Award is awarded to parking facilities that have been subjected to a rigorous risk assessment conducted by a police Designing Out Crime Officer and the British Parking Association. Trust your instincts when parking your car, if you feel uneasy about the location look for a more suitable spot.
- If you are travelling by bicycle, lock your bike at recognised secure cycle parking spots. These should be well lit and covered by CCTV. Secure cycle hubs and racks are often provided by local councils and businesses - again check these online with the local authority before making your journey.
- If you are carrying a bag, keep it close to your body and keep your valuables out of sight and secure.
- If you are out at night, try to stick to busy streets where you will be near other people. Avoid dangerous spots such as poorly-lit areas, deserted parks or quiet isolated alleyways.
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times, stay on well-lit streets and try to stick to routes you know best. If you are not familiar with an area or route, make sure you have planned your journey beforehand using street view and public transport timetables. That way you won’t be standing looking at your phone in unfamiliar areas trying to find your way around.
- Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Avoid chatting on your mobile phone or listening to music on your headphones, as this can distract you from your surroundings or any potential danger signs.
- If you think you are being followed, always trust your instincts and take action. As confidently as you can, cross the road, turning to see who is behind you.
- If you are still being followed, keep moving. Head to a busy area and tell people what is happening. If necessary, call the police.
- If you feel worried or threatened on public transport, contact the guard or the British Transport Police. They won’t mind as they would rather make sure you are safe.
- Think about getting a personal safety alarm. Keep it in an easily accessible place and carry it in your hand if you feel at risk. It can be used to momentarily distract an attacker giving you vital seconds to escape.
- For more information on staying safe and secure visit the Suzy Lamplugh website HERE.
Remember – if you’re threatened with violence, don’t risk your personal safety. Property can be replaced, you can’t.
Personal Safety
- Alarms
JNE Security Limited
Mini Minder Personal Alarm with Cob Light - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Personal Attack Alarm Metal - 001 - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Personal Torch Alarm - T-2 Strobe - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Minder Student Alarm RL-326 - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Minder Miniature Personal Attack Alarms - MK001-S, MK001 & MKT001-S - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Minder Multi-Purpose Scream Alarm - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Minder Personal Alarm - Code MDST-001 - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Minder Personal Alarm with PIR - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Alarm Receiving Center (ARC) - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2022, BS 9518:2021, BS EN 50518:2019 Category 1, BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017, BS EN ISO/IEC 9001:2015
Solon Security Ltd
Defender Slimline Personal Attack Alarm - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Defender Cooper Torch Personal Attack Alarm - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Defender IIIT Personal Attack & Audible Accessory Alarm - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Defender Luna Personal Attack Alarm - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Defender MKA Torch - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502
Defender Mini All Purpose - Personal Attack Alarm - Standards: SBD , Sold Secure SS502 - Crime Reporting
FaiceAlert - Standards: SBD , BS EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017, BS EN ISO/IEC 9001:2015, Cyber Essentials, IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1, Surveillance Camera Code of Practice - Certificate of Compliance - Locks
- Mail Delivery
Prestige Products (Mail/HomeGUARD)
MailGUARD and HomeGUARD Letterbox Protection - Standards: SBD , DHF TS 008:2012
MailGUARD+Plus and HomeGUARD+Plus Letterbox Protection - Standards: SBD , DHF TS 008:2012 - Personal Security, Lone Worker & Vulnerable Person Protection
Doorjammer - Standards: SBD , PAS 24:2016
Doorjammer Lockdown - Standards: SBD , PAS 24:2016
Orbis Protect Limited
Red Alert Protector X - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2016
Red Alert Nano - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2016
Red Alert ID Pro - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2016
Red Alert Horizon - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2016
Red Alert Fob Plus - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2016
Red Alert ID - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2016
Red Alert Fob - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2016
PanicGuard Ltd
Hollie Guard personal tracking mobile phone application - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
PanicGuard personal tracking mobile phone application. - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
MicroGuard - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2022
MicroSOS - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2022
MySOS - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2022
Twig Ex - Standards: SBD , BS 8484:2022
Solon Security Ltd
Door Jammer DJ3 Portable Security Device - Standards: SBD , PAS 24:2016
trueCall Ltd
trueCall Call Blocker-Flexible General Purpose Call Blocker - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
trueCall Home PA- Advanced Telephone Features for Micro Businesses - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
trueCall Secure-To Protect Vulnerable People From Scams - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
trueCall VI - To Protect The Visually Impaired From Nuisance and Scam Calls - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed - Property & Asset Marking
Disklabs Limited
Tablet Shield TS1 or (TS1U is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Tablet Shield Small TS1S - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Tablet Shield Large TS1XL - TS1XL or (TS1XLU is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Tablet Shield Large TS1L or (TS1LU is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Tablet Shield Lab Edition TS2L - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Tablet Shield Lab Edition TS2 - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Phone Shield PS2 or (PS2U is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Phone Shield PS1 or (PS1U is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Phone Shield Lockable PS3 - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Rack Shield 4U (RS4U) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Notebook Shield NS1 or (NS1U is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Laptop Shield LS1 or (LS1U is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
ID Shield ID1 or (ID1U is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Holdall Shield HS1 or (HS1U is unbranded) - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Holdall Shield 3 80Ltr - HS3 80Ltr - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Holdall Shield 3 40Ltr - HS3 40Ltr - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Faraday Blanket 2m x 2m FB1 - 2Mtr - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Duffel Shield DS4 65Ltr - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
ENQUIRUS:Lost & Stolen Watch Database - Standards: SBD , BSI Secure Digital Application
JNE Security Limited
Card Minder & Card Minder Platinum - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Solon Security Ltd
Credit Card Defender - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Defender Signal Blocker - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Defender Signal Blocker Mini - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed
Card Defender Diamond ICE - Standards: SBD , Specialist Assessed