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SBD News

Cyclehoop has been accredited by Secured by Design

Cyclehoop has been accredited by Secured by Design

Cyclehoop, a London-based, innovative producer of cycle security, has been accredited by Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative.

The company was started by Anthony Lau after his cycle was stolen when thieves by-passed his lock by lifting his cycle over the top of a street sign where it had been secured.

IDenta drug testing kits accredited by SBD

IDenta drug testing kits accredited by SBD

An Israeli company which produces small, easy-to-use and reliable detection kits for the testing of drugs, has been awarded the sought-after Police Preferred Specification by Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative.

Keynetics gain SBD accreditation for its Bluetooth Electronic Lockbox

Keynetics gain SBD accreditation for its Bluetooth Electronic Lockbox

Keynetics Ltd - a division of Sentrilock LLC, the leading electronic lockbox manufacturer and service provider in the USA - has specifically designed the Sentrikey system for the UK Health and Social Care sector.

Door and window locks are less carbon-costly and more effective than burglar alarms and CCTV, a new study finds

Door and window locks are less carbon-costly and more effective than burglar alarms and CCTV, a new study finds

A new study, which estimates the carbon footprint of burglary prevention measures, has found that the best options from both an environmental and security point of view are door and window locks. This is because they are not only more effective at preventing crime, but also more environmentally friendly, having a much lower carbon footprint than other measures, such as burglar alarms or CCTV.

The study, which was led by University of Surrey Engineering Doctorate student Helen Skudder, also found that many burglary prevention measures installed individually or in combination, produce less carbon emissions than an incidence of burglary.

SBD welcomes the first body-worn security cameras to the membership scheme

SBD welcomes the first body-worn security cameras to the membership scheme

B-Cam Ltd, a leading innovator, producer and retailer of body-worn security cameras, has become the first such company to join Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative.

Based at the Reading Enterprise Centre, Berkshire, B-Cam’s cameras are used in both the public and private sectors, including police forces, health services, shopping centres, football clubs and at security related events in the UK and around the world.

Feedback from SBD's National Training Event

Feedback from SBD's National Training Event

The Secured by Design (SBD) National Training Event, which attracted nearly 200 police staff from around the country, came to a close with an enthusiastic round of applause as the last speaker stepped down from the stage at Whittlebury Hall in Northamptonshire.

SBD members at the UK Outstanding Security Performance Awards

SBD members at the UK Outstanding Security Performance Awards

Secured by Design (SBD) member company, Bradbury Group, scooped an award at the first UK Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs) at The London Marriott Grosvenor Square Hotel, Mayfair, on Thursday, 2 March 2017.

The Lincolnshire based manufacturer of steel doors, security grilles and cages won the Security Equipment Manufacturer category – one of 14 awards presented during the event attended by 330 people.

Security consultants learn how Secured by Design is reducing crime

Security consultants learn how Secured by Design is reducing crime

The importance of organisations working together to reduce crime was made by Secured by Design (SBD), the national police crime prevention initiative, during a presentation at the Association of Security Consultants’ Business Group at Armoury House, London, in February 2017.

SBD Chief Executive Officer, Guy Ferguson, a former Met Police Detective Chief Superintendent, told a packed meeting that SBD seeks to be a major catalyst and focus for crime prevention around the UK.

The VEKA UK Group secures Secured by Design for three more years

The VEKA UK Group secures Secured by Design for three more years

Industry-leading PVC-U systems supplier, The VEKA UK Group, has been awarded membership once again of the national crime prevention initiative, Secured by Design (SBD), for both its VEKA and Halo brands.

The VEKA UK Group partnered with Secured by Design several years ago and has maintained its strong relationship with the team, thanks to a shared ethos of designing out crime at the product development stage.

SBD and Huddersfield University present at the Senior Command Course

SBD and Huddersfield University present at the Senior Command Course

The National Police Strategic Command Course run by the College of Policing has featured a module on 'designing out crime' for the first time and included a presentation from Professor Rachel Armitage, Director of the University’s Secure Societies Institute at the University of Huddersfield.

Professor Armitage was one of the first speakers at the start of the important three-month course for police officers and police staff who will go on to be promoted into the most senior posts in police forces around the country.

Patlock wins best new product award at the Totally DIY Show

Patlock wins best new product award at the Totally DIY Show

Secured by Design (SBD) member company, Patlock, has won the award for best new product in show for their innovative French door lock at the Totally DIY & Tools Show.

Patlock beat dozens of entries to win the award presented at the end of the first day of the show at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry on 14-15 February.

North West Cambridge Development

North West Cambridge Development

The national police crime prevention initiative, Secured by Design (SBD), is proud to be working with the University of Cambridge to influence the security design of the University's new development adjacent to the M11 and close to the City of Cambridge.

Known as the North West Cambridge Development, its purpose is to provide affordable accommodation for the rising numbers of University and College staff as well as post graduate students' accommodation in a new district to enhance both the City and the University.